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Entries for 'Hate crime'

A catalyst for change?

A major new nationwide study, led by the Centre for Hate Studies at the University of Leicester, will examine the...


Towards an Inclusive Countryside: How racist incidents are routinely overlooked in rural areas

Dr Viji Kuppan is a researcher on The Rural Racism Project: Towards an Inclusive Countryside, an important new two-year study...


Difficult Conversations Tackling Hate image

Tackling Hate: Striving for social justice

On Tuesday 9 November 2021, the first in our series of free public talks, Difficult Conversations, took place. Our panel...


Reflections on a crisis of social relations

Dr Amy Clarke, Research Fellow at the University’s Centre for Hate Studies addresses how this year’s National Hate Crime Awareness...


Stephen Lawrence Day image

Stephen Lawrence Day

In the wake of of the trial for the murder of George Floyd, it feels more important than ever to reflect upon...


Tackling hate crime image

Tackling hate crime

Events such as the Caribbean Carnival or Diwali are times when communities come together as one to celebrate diversity and...


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Harms of hate: the trauma of being different

How can we support the victims of hate crime? Why do these attacks happen, and what forms do they take?...


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Online sexual harassment

Did the COVID-19 pandemic change the nature of online sexual harassment? With lockdowns leading to an increase in screen time,...


Harms of Hate: Social Justice and Inclusion

We all want to live in world where we are kind to one another. The Centre for Hate Studies, led...


Sex Workers: Social Justice and Inclusion

A series of interviews by Professor Teela Sanders explores online sex work in the 21st century and how it affects...


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