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Entries for 'Heritage and culture'

Forging new models of international partnership

Henrietta O'Connor, Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor explains why British universities must adopt new models of international partnership in a changing...


King Charles III is your cousin

Raise a glass to your cousin, King Charles III

Turi King, Professor of Public Engagement and Genetics uses mathematical theory to discuss how we are all, one way or...


King Charles III is your cousin

Raise a glass to your cousin, King Charles III

Turi King, Professor of Public Engagement and Genetics uses mathematical theory to discuss how we are all, one way or...


The Coronation: The US view

The Coronation: The US view

Dr Tim Neff, Lecturer in Journalism. School of Media, Communication and Sociology offers a fresh perspecitve from an American expat...


It's an anachronism, but monarchy works

It’s an anachronism, but monarchy works

Tor Clark, Associate Professor in Journalism discusses public opinion on the royals and questions why we can’t select the person...


The royal tide will turn

The royal tide will turn

Dr Kester Demmar, Lecturer in Journalism, School of Media, Communication and Sociology comments on a nation fearing change and the...


Everywhere and Nowhere

Everywhere and Nowhere

Dr Sarah Plumb announces a new partnership with the National Trust sharing stories of disability from sites and collections in...


Discovery in the margins

Jess Hodgkinson explains how a discovery in the margins has the potential to shed new light on the active participation...


King Richard III: Legacy

Episode 8. King Richard III: Legacy

Turi King, Professor of Public Engagement and Genetics, talks to Peter Soulsby (City Mayor), David Monteith (Dean of Leicester Cathedral),...


King Richard III: From press conference to reinterment

Episode 7. King Richard III: From the press conference to the reinterment

Turi King, Professor of Public Engagement and Genetics, talks to the University of Leicester's Richard Buckley, Pete Hobson (Leicester Cathedral),...


King Richard III: The press conference

Episode 6. King Richard III: The press conference

Turi King, Professor of Public Engagement and Genetics, talks to the University of Leicester's Richard Buckley, Jo Appleby, Richard Taylor...


King Richard III Analysis of the remains pt2

Episode 5. King Richard III: Analysis of the remains. Part 2 The Molecular Analysis

Turi King, Professor of Public Engagement and Genetics, talks to Jane Evans and Angela Lamb, from the British Geological Survey,...


Fast fashion

Fast Fashion

Nik Hammer, Associate Professor of Work and Employment discusses his research in to ‘fast fashion’ and the impact on brands,...


King Richard III Analysis of the remains pt1

Episode 4. King Richard III: Analysis of the remains. Part 1

In this podcast we cover the visual and CT examination of the skeleton of Richard III. From this we could...


King Richard III The Excavation

Episode 3. King Richard III: The Excavation

The excavations of the Grey Friars site in the Richard III project would require a team of archaeological experts, particularly...


King Richard III Who was he?

Episode 2. King Richard III: Who was he?

Richard III was the last of the Plantagenet kings and the last English king to die in battle.  He’s also...


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