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Entries for 'Politics'

Will the government’s AI action plan be a success?

Will the government’s AI action plan be a success?

Dr William Darler explains what parts of the government’s AI plan he thinks are workable, and which might be problematic.


What’s in store in the 2024 general election?

Tor Clark, Associate Professor in Journalism, discusses the recently announced 2024 general election, set to happen on 4 July 2024.


It's an anachronism, but monarchy works

It’s an anachronism, but monarchy works

Tor Clark, Associate Professor in Journalism discusses public opinion on the royals and questions why we can’t select the person...


Relief, recovery and prioritising

Dr Ayse Yildiz, Lecturer in Risk, discusses the earthquake disaster in Turkey regarding the relief, recovery and the UK’s support.


Unprecedented political times

A resignation in unprecedented circumstances

Boris Johnson’s resignation as leader of the Conservative Party has been unlike any other in recent times. Dr Richard Whitaker,...


Was Boris brought down by journalism

Was journalist-Prime Minister Boris Johnson brought down by journalism?

Tor Clark, Associate Professor in Journalism, explores the relationship between Boris Johnson and the media, and whether journalism contributed to...


Statue in the Ukraine

Putin’s obsessions. Russia, the Ukraine, and their shared past

Alexander Korb, Associate Professor in Modern European History explores Putin's obsessions, and the shared past of Russia and the Ukraine...


Ukraine flag

Ukraine and the doctrine of Peace through Strength

With the escalating situation changing daily in the Ukraine, Dr James Moore from the School of History, Politics and International...


Thirteen is an unlucky number

Thirteen is an unlucky number for UK Prime Ministers – will it prove so for Boris Johnson?

Tor Clark, Associate Professor in Journalism explores why thirteen is an unlucky number for UK Prime Ministers, and will it...


The Taliban takeover in Afghanistan: the impact on Afghan people and families

Dr Kelly Staples, Association Professor of International Politics, discusses how the situation in Afghanistan will impact Afghan people and their...


Afghan crisis blog image

EU response to Afghan refugees: from crisis and containment to resettlement?

Dr Alan Desmond looks at the current crisis in Afghanistan and how the EU should respond to the Afghan refugee...


The real Star Wars image

The real Star Wars

Dr Bleddyn Bowen discusses international relations, space warfare and military space technologies.


Trump image

Trump: so bad they impeached him twice

By Dr Alex Wadden A president of the United States has been impeached four times. Donald J Trump accounts for half...


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