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Citizen Writes

Research hot topics

From politics and societal issues, to climate change and health, our researchers give insight into hot topics, provide opinion pieces and thought-provoking articles. Take 5 and have a read.

Discovery in the margins

1 December 2022

Jess Hodgkinson explains how a discovery in the margins has the potential to shed new light on the active participation...


The global impact of a new Research Institute

10 November 2022

Professor Heiko Balzter explains how the new Institute for Environmental Futures is bringing together researchers to tackle global challenges like...


Walk the walk to benefit your research

Walk the walk to benefit your research

12 October 2022

Anna Lois McKay explains the different ways that walking can be used to benefit academic research, help with problem-solving, and...


Rivers worldwide are running dry

Rivers worldwide are running dry

13 September 2022

Catherine Russell, Honorary Researcher in Sedimentology and the Anthropocene discusses why rivers worldwide are running dry and what you can...


My time at the 'Fun' games

My time at the ‘Fun’ games

22 August 2022

John Williams, Associate Professor of Sociology discusses his recent experience at the Commonwealth Games and whether it will encourage young...


Lionesses roared to success

Lionesses roared to success

3 August 2022

John Williams, Associate Professor of Sociology explores perception of women’s football and the importance of women’s sport now a final...


Unprecedented political times

A resignation in unprecedented circumstances

11 July 2022

Boris Johnson’s resignation as leader of the Conservative Party has been unlike any other in recent times. Dr Richard Whitaker,...


Was Boris brought down by journalism

Was journalist-Prime Minister Boris Johnson brought down by journalism?

8 July 2022

Tor Clark, Associate Professor in Journalism, explores the relationship between Boris Johnson and the media, and whether journalism contributed to...


Life in the roman world

Roman worlds for diverse communities

22 June 2022

Professor Sarah Scott has led a team of students and colleagues to bring archaeology and classics to new audiences in...


Listening to the voice of food growers

Listening to the voice of food growers

26 April 2022

Dr Maria Touri, , Associate Professor, School of Media, Communication and Sociology, explores why listening to the voices of food...


Statue in the Ukraine

Putin’s obsessions. Russia, the Ukraine, and their shared past

8 March 2022

Alexander Korb, Associate Professor in Modern European History explores Putin's obsessions, and the shared past of Russia and the Ukraine...


Ukraine flag

Ukraine and the doctrine of Peace through Strength

2 March 2022

With the escalating situation changing daily in the Ukraine, Dr James Moore from the School of History, Politics and International...


Thirteen is an unlucky number

Thirteen is an unlucky number for UK Prime Ministers – will it prove so for Boris Johnson?

17 December 2021

Tor Clark, Associate Professor in Journalism explores why thirteen is an unlucky number for UK Prime Ministers, and will it...


Racism in sport – and how not to deal with it

30 November 2021

Professor John Williams takes a look at the issue of racism across sport and what’s next for English cricket.


How our future rests on COP26

29 October 2021

We desperately need world leaders at COP-26 to take radical and urgent action to enable a survivable planet. The severity...


Air pollution in a changing climate

29 October 2021

With air pollution being the single biggest environmental hazard across the world, Samuel Cai - Lecturer in Environmental Epidemiology explores...


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