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Citizen Writes

Research hot topics

From politics and societal issues, to climate change and health, our researchers give insight into hot topics, provide opinion pieces and thought-provoking articles. Take 5 and have a read.

What role for science and innovation in COP26 and Net Zero?

29 October 2021

With world-leaders gathering for COP26, Professor Paul Monks, CSA BEIS and University of Leicester, explores the role that science and...


Exposing the downsides of Homeworking in time to design new normals

25 October 2021

Professor Stephen Wood explores how the use of mass homeworking to mitigate the spread of Covid-19 has accelerated a trend...


Reflections on a crisis of social relations

11 October 2021

Dr Amy Clarke, Research Fellow at the University’s Centre for Hate Studies addresses how this year’s National Hate Crime Awareness...


The Taliban takeover in Afghanistan: the impact on Afghan people and families

29 September 2021

Dr Kelly Staples, Association Professor of International Politics, discusses how the situation in Afghanistan will impact Afghan people and their...


Afghan crisis blog image

EU response to Afghan refugees: from crisis and containment to resettlement?

21 September 2021

Dr Alan Desmond looks at the current crisis in Afghanistan and how the EU should respond to the Afghan refugee...


Observing space 2,200 years ago

Observing space 2,200 years ago

16 September 2021

Discovering Chankillo, an ancient solar observatory and a masterpiece of human creative genius.


Climate change and corals image

Tropical ocean climate swings sensed by corals

6 August 2021

Developing reliable, long-term reconstructions of ocean temperature, rainfall, and pollution levels from coral skeletons


Understanding and managing kidney disease

30 July 2021

Worldwide, one in ten people have chronic kidney disease, for which there is currently no cure.


Leicester, granny and me image

Leicester, Granny and me

27 July 2021

Advancing digital geographies, mapping multiculturalism and making marmalade


Graduates launch cosmetics brand image

Leicester graduates launch cosmetics brand

27 July 2021

Gamanity Health and Cosmetics, an eco-friendly natural cosmetic company founded by two Leicester graduates.


Animal rights image

Debating the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill

27 July 2021

What legal protections should be given to nonhuman animals?


changing job demands in covid-19

Changing job demands during COVID-19

21 July 2021

Job demands have increased during the pandemic for university staff, academics and non-academics.


Online racism and hate image

Hating Rashford, Sancho and Saka: what can we do about online racism and hate?

21 July 2021

There was a certain inevitability that those three players – each of whom were also black – were immediately targeted...


Reports from Euro 2020 image

Reports from Euro 2020 (4): England’s fear of the penalty kick

13 July 2021

What did we learn from the past month and the nation’s obsession with football, even if England fell once again...


Onwards Ice Giants image

Onwards to the Ice Giants

6 July 2021

Over the past two decades, Leicester planetary scientists have had the privilege of being involved in cutting-edge missions to explore...


Reports from Euro 2020 image

Reports from Euro 2020 (3): Germany calling

28 June 2021

Deep down, those football supporters among us probably knew, all along, that it would come to this. Of course, the...


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